1st International Conference on Environmental and Astronomical Light Pollution
EALPO 2019

Kraków, September 20th-21st

Address of the Organising Committee

Cracow University of Technology
Department of Water Supply, Sewerage and Environmental Monitoring

Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
Tel. +12 628 28 30
Fax +48 (12) 628 20 42
e-mail: sciezor@vistula.pk.edu.pl

Bank account

Name of the bank: Alior Bank
(Address of Bank: ul. Łopuszańska 38D, 02-232 Warszawa)

Account number:
IBAN PLN: PL09 2490 0005 0000 4600 1012 1826
IBAN EUR: PL40 2490 0005 0000 4600 3419 4146
Sub-account: EALPO2019 - please include in the payment!.
